Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Hello all class mates,
It's time to think about our next luncheon that is coming up January  6 th. 2012

It will be at Shell Shuckers at 12:00 noon , at the corner of St, Rt 224 and 53.
If your in the area and are able to come, please let me know by Tues. Jan, 3rd so I can let them know how many to expect.
It's sad we've lost another class mate ,Russel Work, it shows you how important it is to get together as often as possible.
Have a Happy New year!!!
Thank you Vivian ( Baugher) Blankenship.

CAUTION!  Don't invite this girl.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


To all my classmates and friends. I am so thankful for your friendship through the years.  You always bless me with you kindness and concern for others. We have come a long way in life and I hope we have lots more to share with each other. To me there has always been a special bond between us by growing up in a small but good town and learning from each other. I believe we have all developed into the people we are today because of this background that we share together.
I have tried to convey this from time to time by speaking and sharing my faith with you/
Some of what I am as a person has come from each of you along with of course life's lessons  and experiences. 
May God bless you all so much this season that your cup overflows with joy and thankfulness. 

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Note I have added a slide show of images from the original class web site that is not being used much anymore. Look on the bottom of the page.
Hope you enjoy.


Friday, November 4, 2011


Hello Sarj,

We had our luncheon today Friday the 4 th 2011 at Golden Crown Restaurant.
27 attended and had a really good time visiting with several new ones that hadn't been there before. The fall weather was really sunny and nice.

Those attending were Norma ( Shumaker)& Hank Hiner. Carol ( Arbogast) Engle,Bob & Barb Bauer,Claude & Mary Hohman,Rudy Karle, Peggy ( McCoy) Brickner, Judy VanCamp) Zimmer & daughter in- law Katherine Zimmer.Charles Mizen. Jim Fey, Loretta ( Reiter) Bargaheiser and daughter Belinda, Vivian( Baugher) Blankenship, & Daughter Val Hohman, Connie ( Collier) & John Bell, Howard & Janet (Shuman) Beisner,Herb Crum, Ethel Lee Jordan & sister Deana Bly,Ellen Drake, Marilyn (Hammond) & Frank Fogle.

Our next luncheon will be January 6 th 2012 12:00 noon at Shell Shuckers the corner of SR. 224 & SR. 53. Tiffin, Oh.

Thank you Sarj and notice the sign Bob Bauer is holding up specially for you. It says Hi Sarj from Bob &

Sarj says Hi Bob and Barb....
thanks Vivian... sure was a nice turn out.

Vivian sent in two more photos after post was made.  Here they are.
074 Val and Heb Crum poising for you lol
0966  is Connie Collier and Marilyn Hammond in case you haven't seen them in a while.

Monday, September 19, 2011


I got photos of the reunion but there were so many I put then on a special page.
At the bottom of this blog you will see a slideshow. click on it and it will take ou to the album and there you can click on full screen and you can also tag the names of folks. I'm sorry but I don't recognize anyone except Harriet Kuhn and Judy Dennison. I have seen them on facebook.


p.s. I'm sure you all had a good time and I wish I could've been there too.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Dave Riley

Really sad to report my cousin and very good friend Dave has passed away. Many of you knew him well and have good memories of him too.
Here is the link to the obit in the A/T.

I was looking forward to catching up on things next year at our reunion. I'll surely miss my pal.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Class of 57 had their luncheon today Friday the 2 nd.of Sept, 2011,   at Golden Crown Restaurant at 12;00 noon.
26 attended and enjoyed their meal while their visited  and looked at pictures that Loretta ( Reiter) Bargaheiser brought in from her cruse in Alaska,
Those  attending was as follow: Sara & Bob Huffman,Loretta ( Reiter) Bargaheiser, Janet ( Shuman) & Howard Beisner, Jim Fey,Shirley ( Beard) Baker, Bob & Barb ( Miller) Bauer, Herb Crum, Peggy ( Hunker) Thallman,Peg McCoy) Brickner, Gene & Judy(Van Camp) Zimmer, Carol ( Arbogast) Engle,Ellen Drake, Norma ( Shumaker) & Hank Hiner,Rudy Karle, Denise  (Lentz) Ziegler, John & Joan Stoner, Vivian( Baugher) Blankenship,
Guest were:
Valerie Hohman ;Vivian's daughter,
Mariah Hohman : Vivian's grand daughter
Barbara Patrice : Loretta's friend.
Valerie Hohman took the pictures for us.
Our next luncheon will be held November the 4th 2011 at The Golden Crown again as every one seem to enjoy the food and the space we had to get up and visit.
Thank you Sarj :
Vivian( Baugher) Blankenship.

This is just how Bob sits at he is a Throne or something.  Bob hold up a sign the next time say "hello Sarj" OK?

Love to yoeu all

Friday, July 1, 2011


Hi Sarj,
We held our luncheon today Friday  July 1 st 12:00 noon at Carmies on ST.RT 231 .
There was 18 that attended, The Hiner's bought pictures of their trip to Russia and shared them with every one to see.
Those attending was Bob and Barbara Bauer, she is doing so much better and putting on weight too, what a blessing.
Others were Janet ( Shuman) Beisner. Howard was sick and couldn't join us. We hope him a speedy recovery.
Peg ( Mc Coy) Brickner, Herb Crum, Ellen Drake, Carol( Arbogast) Engle, Bob and Sara Huffman,Claude Hohman, Norma ( Shumaker) and Hank Hiner,Jim Fey, Rudy Karle, Peggy ( Hunker) Thallman,John and Joan Stoner, Vivian ( Baugher) Blankenship.
Our next luncheon will be held September,2 nd. at noon at the Golden Crown  Restaurant  126 Dwight St, off of E, Market street  They have American foods plus Chinese .
Thank you Sarj...

Friday, June 24, 2011


Hello All,
I hope your enjoying the summer.

It's time to be thinking about our next luncheon,
   It's Friday, July the 1 st at Carmie's Restaurant on St R. 231 at 12:00 noon.
Let me know if your going to be in the area, and plan on attending by Tue. June the 28 th
so I can let them know how many to expect.

Thank you
Vivian Blankenship.

If it's dark in the place you may want a pair of reading glasses like mine to sign you check. Foster Grant lighted reading glasses....they work.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Hello Sarj,
Class of 57 had their luncheon today at Shell Shuckers May, 6 th at noon. Nineteen was present.
 We had a good lunch, and was nice visiting with every one.
 Our next luncheon will be held  July ,1 st.  2011 at 12;00 noon. We picked to have it at Carmie's at rte 231 and 224,
We like to have it at places that have side rooms for us so we can get up and visit with each other.
Pictures was taken during our  time together. They are as follow.On the steps.
Top row,
Jim Fey, Bill Dryfuse, ( he's hiding behind Herb Crum) But I got him at the table talking to Herb. Rudy Karle, John Stoner,
 Second row down. Carol ( Arbogast) Engle, Herb Crum, Bob Huffman, & wife Sara,
 Third row,
Marilou ( Peer) Hill,Vivian ( Baugher) Blankenship, Claude  Hohman, Howard Beisner, Bob Bauer,
  Fourth Row,
Peggy ( Hunker) Thallman, Shirley( Beard) Baker, Barb ( Miller) Bauer Bob's wife,Janet( Shuman) Beisner
 Thank you

Monday, April 25, 2011


Hello Class of 57,
 Happy Easter to all of you.
  It's time to be thinking about our next luncheon. It's  Friday May the 6 th at Shell Shuckers at 12:00 noon.
It's at the intersections of State Rt 224 and  St R. 53. If your in the area and wish to attend, please let me
know by Tuesday  May the 3 rd, so I can let them know how many to expect.

Thank you,
 Vivian Blankenship.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Hello Sarj,
We had our class luncheon today March the 4 th, 2011 at 12;oo noon at Shell Shucker in Tiffin.

We had a good turn out of 20 people in spite of the rain.

Loretta Bargaheiser joined us for the first time since her stroke.
She looking good , and is planning a cruse in May to Alaska.
These standing on the stars are as follow.

First row top. Rudy Karle, Gene Zimmer Judy (Van Camp's husband, Howard Beisner, Charlie Mizen.

Second row, Jim Fey, Hank Hiner Norma Shumaker's husband,Judy ( VanCamp ) Zimmer,

Third Row:Bob Bauer, Loretta (Rider)Bargaheiser, Norma( Shumaker) Hiner,Vivian (Baugher) Blankenship,

Fourth Row:Barbara ( Miller) Bauer, Bob's wife.

Fifth row:Janet ( Shuman) Beisner, Carol (Arbogast) Engle, Peggy (Hunker) Thallman,Peg ( McCoy) Brickner, John Stoner.

Guest: Were.
Val Hohman, Vivian's daughter.
Barbara Patrick, Loretta's friend.

Our next luncheon will be heald at Shell Shuckers again May The 6 th at Noon.

Thank you Sarj,
Vivian,(Baugher) Blankenship.

Nice photos...who took them? It's amazing how good the cameras are today. 
A lot of good looking folks here. I hope none of you had problems from the flooding. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Hello Class of 57,
It's time to be thinking about our next luncheon, Friday March the 4th at 12:00 noon  at Shell Shuckers , U.S.224 & State Rt.53.
Please let me know by March the 1 st so I can let them know how many to expect.

Thank you Vivian, 

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Read the obit in the AT HERE                                           CLASS OF 1957

I found this photo, below, on her Facebook account. It's a lot better photo. In the year book it read "More fun than a circus" it appears she never changed. What a nice smile. She will be missed.

below is yearbook photo.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


While browsing for stuff on Tiffin I found this site. You may want to check it out. There are a lot of photos and videos that maybe you haven't seen before. 
click on this link,_Ohio

Friday, January 7, 2011


Hi Sarj,
We had our 57class luncheon today, January the 7th 2011 at 12:00 noon at T.J.'s restaurant.
21 people attended It was a snowy day but a good turn out.
 First picture is Patty ( Lynn) Schreiner, Marilou (Peer) Hill  Howard Beisner  ,Janet (Shuman) Beisner, Carol ( Arbogast) Engle,and Peggy ( Mc Coy) Brickner,
Second picture is Bob Bauer, Barb ( Miller) Bauer,Herb Crum and wife Paula, Standing is Ellen Drake,
Third picture is  Jim Fey, Charlie Mizen, Rudy Karle ,, Gene Zimmer , Judy ( VanCamp) Zimmer, Fourth picture is  John Stoner, Joan Stoner,Peggy ( Hunker) Thallman, Vivian( Baugher) Blankenship.
And Val Hohman Viv's daughter not shown as she's taking pictures.
We had a new classmate today that recently moved back to Tiffin from Michigan, she is Peggy( McCoy) Brickner,  and she now lives at the Kiwanis Manor . We look forward to seeing her at our luncheon"s.
Our next luncheon is March, 4 th, at Shell Shuckers at 12:00 noon , on RT. 224 and 53.
Thank you Sarj for posting our luncheon's.

Nice photos Viv, and I'm glad you didn't show the food because I'm on a diet. Everyone looks good and that makes me happy. 
Love Sarj