Friday, September 2, 2011


Class of 57 had their luncheon today Friday the 2 nd.of Sept, 2011,   at Golden Crown Restaurant at 12;00 noon.
26 attended and enjoyed their meal while their visited  and looked at pictures that Loretta ( Reiter) Bargaheiser brought in from her cruse in Alaska,
Those  attending was as follow: Sara & Bob Huffman,Loretta ( Reiter) Bargaheiser, Janet ( Shuman) & Howard Beisner, Jim Fey,Shirley ( Beard) Baker, Bob & Barb ( Miller) Bauer, Herb Crum, Peggy ( Hunker) Thallman,Peg McCoy) Brickner, Gene & Judy(Van Camp) Zimmer, Carol ( Arbogast) Engle,Ellen Drake, Norma ( Shumaker) & Hank Hiner,Rudy Karle, Denise  (Lentz) Ziegler, John & Joan Stoner, Vivian( Baugher) Blankenship,
Guest were:
Valerie Hohman ;Vivian's daughter,
Mariah Hohman : Vivian's grand daughter
Barbara Patrice : Loretta's friend.
Valerie Hohman took the pictures for us.
Our next luncheon will be held November the 4th 2011 at The Golden Crown again as every one seem to enjoy the food and the space we had to get up and visit.
Thank you Sarj :
Vivian( Baugher) Blankenship.

This is just how Bob sits at he is a Throne or something.  Bob hold up a sign the next time say "hello Sarj" OK?

Love to yoeu all

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