Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Hello Classmates and friends of 
TCHS class of 1957,

Our next luncheon will be Friday Nov, 7, 11:30at Asian Grill and Buffet. It's beside the Theater at the Mall. We're trying some place different.
There will be a coupon page in the A.T news paper Sun Nov. 2,
for the ones that get the A.T. that says ,buy one lunch buffet & drink at reg price Get 2nd one for $1.99. (Drink not included ) You can pair up with some one else if you come by your self. And save . Reg, price is $6.99.

There will be extra coupons at the luncheon for the ones from out of town. Let me know by Nov,3 if you'll be there. Come join the other classmates,& have a good time.

Thank you: Vivian Blankenship.

message from Sarj
I'm not sure I can do this blog much longer because of my failing eye sight. I noticed that Joan Stoner has set up our own site and has recently published the photos from the luncheons. Be sure to sign up for the site she does, in order to keep informed. My blog will continure to be on line for you to view the photo gallery I have at the botton of the page. 
Love and God bless you all. 