Wednesday, November 23, 2011


To all my classmates and friends. I am so thankful for your friendship through the years.  You always bless me with you kindness and concern for others. We have come a long way in life and I hope we have lots more to share with each other. To me there has always been a special bond between us by growing up in a small but good town and learning from each other. I believe we have all developed into the people we are today because of this background that we share together.
I have tried to convey this from time to time by speaking and sharing my faith with you/
Some of what I am as a person has come from each of you along with of course life's lessons  and experiences. 
May God bless you all so much this season that your cup overflows with joy and thankfulness. 

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Note I have added a slide show of images from the original class web site that is not being used much anymore. Look on the bottom of the page.
Hope you enjoy.


Friday, November 4, 2011


Hello Sarj,

We had our luncheon today Friday the 4 th 2011 at Golden Crown Restaurant.
27 attended and had a really good time visiting with several new ones that hadn't been there before. The fall weather was really sunny and nice.

Those attending were Norma ( Shumaker)& Hank Hiner. Carol ( Arbogast) Engle,Bob & Barb Bauer,Claude & Mary Hohman,Rudy Karle, Peggy ( McCoy) Brickner, Judy VanCamp) Zimmer & daughter in- law Katherine Zimmer.Charles Mizen. Jim Fey, Loretta ( Reiter) Bargaheiser and daughter Belinda, Vivian( Baugher) Blankenship, & Daughter Val Hohman, Connie ( Collier) & John Bell, Howard & Janet (Shuman) Beisner,Herb Crum, Ethel Lee Jordan & sister Deana Bly,Ellen Drake, Marilyn (Hammond) & Frank Fogle.

Our next luncheon will be January 6 th 2012 12:00 noon at Shell Shuckers the corner of SR. 224 & SR. 53. Tiffin, Oh.

Thank you Sarj and notice the sign Bob Bauer is holding up specially for you. It says Hi Sarj from Bob &

Sarj says Hi Bob and Barb....
thanks Vivian... sure was a nice turn out.

Vivian sent in two more photos after post was made.  Here they are.
074 Val and Heb Crum poising for you lol
0966  is Connie Collier and Marilyn Hammond in case you haven't seen them in a while.