Sunday, November 6, 2016


Hello ,
We held our luncheon today  at Wall Street Bar and Grill.
Twenty five attended  Every one signed  a get well card for Rudy Karle.

He’s at St France home for therapy, he had a mini stroke several weeks ago, Now he has two   blood clots in his lungs their giving him blood thinners.

His Address is 182 St Francis Home Tiffin Oh 44883, If you’d like to send a card. Also  Bob Bauer is at home  recovering  from his lung surgery. Please  keep both in your prayers.

The ones  attending today was as follows .

Norma & Hank Hiner from Ashland Oh .Jean & Fred Michaels  from Attica Oh .Joan Stoner, Herb & Paula Crum, Peggy Thallman , Carol Bergman, Port Clinton  OH, Vivian Blankenship & daughter Val Hohman and her aid Jenny Gerschutz. Loretta Bargaheiser & Friend Barbara Patrice Marion Oh, Marilou Hill,  Judy & Ronald Zimmer, Sycamore Oh ,Bill Dryfuse, Jim Fey , Ginny Bower, Patty & Joe Schreiner

The next luncheon will be held Jan, 6, 2017 at Fort Ball Pizza  time 11:30.

Pictures will follow .

Thank you,
Vivian Blankenship.

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