Saturday, April 26, 2014


Hello Class of 57,
I hope you had a nice Easter with your family's.
It's that time to be thinking about our next luncheon coming up, Friday,  May,2, 12:00 noon.
It will be held at Carmies on  St Rt. 224 and St, Rt, 231. Tiffin.
Try and think of where you'd like your next one,I'm running out of ideas.
Come join us, we have a good time !!!
If you'll be in our area, and want to attend please let me know by  Monday, April, 28.
So sad to hear another class mate passed away April 19. Patty( Gouker) Shuff. Keep her family in your prayers. R.I.P Patty.
Thank You.
Vivian Blankenship.

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