Saturday, November 15, 2014


Oh Yummie,,,,How were the chicken feet?

Hi Sarj & Joan,
We had our class Luncheon today at Asian Grill Buffett  by the mall. 24 attended.
We had a good time visiting with every one including Carol (Topper) we seen at a table with some of her family, she lives in Port Clinton , she will be joining us in the future  when weather is permitting.
The ones attending today was as follows:
Vivian Blankenship & Daughter Val Hohman,Herb Crum, Janet & Howard Beisner, Patty & Joe Schreiner,Charles Mizen, Carol Engel, Jim Fey,Sara Huffman, Loretta Bargaheiser, & friend Barbara Patrice,Bob & Barb Bauer,Ethel Jordan & Sister Deana Bly,Peggy Thallman,Judy & Gene Zimmer, Rudy Kale, Norma & Hank Hiner, Claude Hohman,
I only took some pictures of the tables as Sarj is having more trouble with his eyes site, and Joan only has a small space for pictures.And of course Claude Hohman made me sit down to get my
Our next luncheon will be Jan, 9, 2015 , 11:30 at T.J Willies.
Come join us if your in the area.
Thank you !!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Hello Classmates and friends of 
TCHS class of 1957,

Our next luncheon will be Friday Nov, 7, 11:30at Asian Grill and Buffet. It's beside the Theater at the Mall. We're trying some place different.
There will be a coupon page in the A.T news paper Sun Nov. 2,
for the ones that get the A.T. that says ,buy one lunch buffet & drink at reg price Get 2nd one for $1.99. (Drink not included ) You can pair up with some one else if you come by your self. And save . Reg, price is $6.99.

There will be extra coupons at the luncheon for the ones from out of town. Let me know by Nov,3 if you'll be there. Come join the other classmates,& have a good time.

Thank you: Vivian Blankenship.

message from Sarj
I'm not sure I can do this blog much longer because of my failing eye sight. I noticed that Joan Stoner has set up our own site and has recently published the photos from the luncheons. Be sure to sign up for the site she does, in order to keep informed. My blog will continure to be on line for you to view the photo gallery I have at the botton of the page. 
Love and God bless you all. 

Monday, September 8, 2014


Hi Classmates and friends
Today was  our class mates and friends luncheon  at Fort Ball Pizza Palace.
19 was present for it. We had a good time talking and visiting.
 Our next place to have our luncheon at Asian Grill on West Market street, by the Theater at the Mall.Nov,7. 11:30.

Thank You Sarj.
Vivian, Blankenship.

Carol Engel- Allen Drake

Allen Drake- Ethel Jordan

Herb Crum- Rudy Karle.

Howard Beisner saying high to you.
    Sarj says Hi Howard.

Sara Huffman- Janet Beisner.

Peggy Thallman- Shirley Baker.

Judy Zimmer - and her daughter in law,

-Judy Zimmer and her son Jeff..

Jim Fey- Claude Hohman.

 Norma & Hank Hiner.

Val Hohman - Vivian's daughter- & Vivian Blankenship,

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Hello Classmates and Friends of TCHS class of 1957,
We had our luncheon today, at Carmies Bar and Grill.
23 attended, several new ones that hadn't been there before.
Janet Beisner thought it would be nice to sing Happy Birthday to all the ones that had birthday's in the last two months, she started them singing.

Our next one will be Sept. 5, at Fort Ball Pizza Palace, at 91 N.Washington St, at 12:00 noon. 

1496- Janet Beisner & Kathy ( Larick) & Husband Paul Lautenschiegar. 

1498 Peggy Thallman & Shirley Baker. 

1499-Bill Anspach & Ed Creeger. 

1500-Hank & Norma Hiner.

1501-Howard Beisner &Herb Crum. 

1502-Claud Hohman, 

1503 -Barbara Reffert& Sara Huffman. 

1504- Barbara Patrice friend of Loretta Bargaheiser.

1505- Judy Zimmer & Jean Michaels. 

1506- Fred Michaels. 

1507- Carol Engel & Ellen Drake.

                   LOL ~!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Hello Class of 57 and friends.
It's time to be thinking about our next luncheon Friday, July 11, 12:00 noon. This will be the second Fridayof the month since the first Fridaywill be July 4. When we usually hold it.
We're having  it at Carmies on ST.Rt 231 and St, Rt, 224.since that was your first choice to go, when you voted.
If you'll be in this area and want to join us , let me know by Monday , July ,7.
Come join us we have a good time.
Thank  you,
Vivian Blankenship.

Thursday, May 15, 2014


I just got a couple of cards addressed to Class of 57 c/o me. Patty Gouker Shuff's family sent a card thanking us for the plant and condolences. I also got a thank you card from Deny Remy saying how much the cards meant to him in his recovery. 

And now I want to thank you all who faithful attend the bi-monthly luncheons. With a special thanks to Vivian Blankenship, bless her heart. You all are the glue that keeps this class together in between reunions etc. I am so happy to be a part of you all. Bless you all.    

remember you can enlarge the photos by clicking on them...maybe some of you might not see so good anymore like me.  LOL


Saturday, May 3, 2014


Hi Classmates and Friends of TCHS class of 1957. 

Our luncheon was held today at Carmies grill.24 was present.

I had them vote on the restaurants they had suggested.
They voted to have it again at Carmies, we have a room to our selves which makes it nice for them all to visit in.

Barbara ( Bernard) Reffert was able to join us today, the Michaels brought her.I hope she'll be able to come with them again.We hadn't seen her since our last class reunion.

Howard Beisner maid the announcement about how Dennis Remy was doing so well, we hope to see him at one of our luncheon's later on.

Our next luncheon will be held July 11, 12:00 noon at Carmies.Come join us if you haven't we really have a good time visiting .

1481- Howard Beisner- Herb Crum.

1482-Norma & Hank Hiner

1483- Bob Bauer.

1484- Barb Bauer- Claud Hohman.

1485- Jim Fey- Gene Zimmer.

1486- Fred Michaels.

1487- Val Hohman- ( Vivian's daughter) & Sara Huffman.

1488-Judy Zimmer-Barbara ( Benard) Reffert.

1489- Jean Michaels- Janet Beisner

1490- Ethel Jordan.

1491- Peg ( Mc Coy) Brickner.- Shirley Baker.

1492-Peggy Thallman-Barb Patrice.( Loretta Reiter's friend.

1493- Loretta ( Rider) Bargaheiser-Ellen Drake.

1494-Ellen Drake- Vivian Blankenship.

What a lovely bunch of "Kids" and just look at all those smiles.  Love it.   Sarj

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Hello Class of 57,
I hope you had a nice Easter with your family's.
It's that time to be thinking about our next luncheon coming up, Friday,  May,2, 12:00 noon.
It will be held at Carmies on  St Rt. 224 and St, Rt, 231. Tiffin.
Try and think of where you'd like your next one,I'm running out of ideas.
Come join us, we have a good time !!!
If you'll be in our area, and want to attend please let me know by  Monday, April, 28.
So sad to hear another class mate passed away April 19. Patty( Gouker) Shuff. Keep her family in your prayers. R.I.P Patty.
Thank You.
Vivian Blankenship.

Monday, April 21, 2014

In Loving Memory

Patricia D. (Gouker) Shuff

We have lost another dear classmate. 57 cares has sent a Peace Lilly with Blue and Gold ribbons for her family In Loving Memory from Tiffin Columbian High School class of 1957. 

Rest in Peace our dear Patty. 

Monday, March 10, 2014


Hi Sarj,
We had our luncheon today at Carmies. Twenty four was present. They had a good time visiting with each other and laughing.

Charlie's daughter Dawn Mizen brought two  cakes  to share and  celebrate Charles birthday which is March 10.

Dave Speas surprised us with a visit from Springfield Oh. Always good to see him.

We decided to have it again at Carmies on  May 2, 2014.

Several class mates came that wasn't at our last luncheon so I'm going to name them in the pictures again.

Thank you Sarj and I hope your on the road to recovery.

Vivian Blankenship

1457- Jim Fey & Gene Zimmer( Judy's husband..

1458- Claud Hohman, & Dave Speas.

1459- Hank Hiner & Norma Hiner.

1460- Sara Huffman-  Bob Huffman's wife

1461- Bob Bauer & Ethel Jordan.

1463- Judy Zimmer & Carol Engel, Peg Mc Coy

1464- Shirley Baker, Peggy Thallman.

1466- Rudy Karle.

1468- Val Hohman ( Vivian's daughter) & Herb Crum.

1469- Joan Stoner &Barb Bauer.

1470- Dawn Mizen ( Charlie's daughter)

1471- Vivian Blankenship & Patsy ( Collins) Hager.

1472- Charles Mizen holding a piece of his Birthday Cake.

Their was 25 Attending today.

NOTE from Sarj
Thank you my very dear friends for the cards and prayers. You are a special part of my life and I love you all. To know that you were praying for me and wishing me well was a great confort to me. I'm on the mend pretty good and yesterday I walked a mile with my wife. plan to do it again today.  Bless you all;. 
