Monday, December 23, 2013


Merry Christmas & a Happy New year to all class mates of 57,
It's time to think about our next luncheon coming up Jan, 3, 2014, 12:00noon.
It will be held at Golden Crown Restaurant on  126 Dwight St, that is off of E. Market St.
If you will be able to make it , let me know by Dec,30.2013.
Thank you,
Vivian Blankenship.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Having a little problem recognizing your classmates and friends?
Well Vivian is going to try to label photos in groups with the names to help you ID those attending.  Thanks Vivian.

Our 57 class luncheon was held today November, 1, 12;00 noon at Carmies on St. Rt. 231 & St. Rt 224.
Twenty Three attended and had a really good time visiting with each other.Hank Hiner bought pictures of his beautiful flower gardens and showed, Carol had pictures of previous Class reunions to see if they knew what years they were from.
I finally got one of our class mates from Junior high days to attend, Pat ( Collins) Hager. She really enjoyed her self and will come again.
We had a surprise Visit from Dave Speas from Springfield Oh.
The ones that attended were as follows Shirley Baker,Charles Mizen,Rudy Karle, Claude Hohman,Peg Thallman,Rudy Karle, Judy & Gene Zimmer,Carol Engel, Jean & Fred Michaels, Norma & Hank Hiner, Vivian Blankenship & daughter Val Hohman,Joan Stoner & Grand daughter Kayleigh,Pat Hager, Dave Speas.Jim Fey,Howard & Janet Beisner.Herb Crum.

Our next luncheon will be heldFriday, January, 3, 2014 12:00 noon at Golden Crown Restaurant on 126 Dwight Street. That is off of E. Market St.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Hello Class of 57,
I hope every one enjoyed their summer, as Fall is here.And we know what's next.
It's that time again to be thinking about our luncheon coming up Friday , November ,1 at 12:00 noon.
It will be held at Carmie's, Next to Hampton Inn . on  St. Rt , 231 and  St. Rt, 224 .
They have 3 new Chef's and food is very good.They also have special's every day.
If you are in this area and are able to attend, please let me know byMon, Oct. 28, so I can let them know how many to expect.
Thank you,
Vivian Blankenship.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Hello Sarj,
Class of 57 held their luncheon today at Fort Ball Pizza on N. Washington Street.
16  attended and had a good time.
Those that was present was.Shirley Baker, Jim Fey,Sara Huffman, Herb Crum,Claude Hohman,Peg Thallman,Rudy Karle, Judy Zimmer and her daughter-in law Catherine Zimmer, Vivian Blankenship and daughter Val Hohman,Carol Engel, Peg Brickner,Bill Dryfuse.
Our next luncheon will be Friday November 1,  12:00 , at Carmie's Grill & Bar State Rt , 231 Tiffin Oh.
Thank you Sarj.
Vivian Blankenship.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Hello Class of 57,
I hope every one is enjoying their summer.
 It's time to be thinking about our luncheon Friday, Sept. 6, at 12:00 . It's going to be at Fort Ball Pizza again as every one seemed to enjoy it  there the last time.
If you are in this  area and are able  to join us ,please let me know by Mon, Sept, 2, as they want to know how many to expect to put drinking glass's  out and also silver ware.
Thank you,
Vivian, Blankenship.

Friday, August 23, 2013


Hi Everyone,
I have a special request.  John's mother, Violet Stoner Albright,
will be celebrating her 100th birthday on September 2nd.  Please
send her a card or note for this occasion, telling her who you are and mention that
you were a classmate of John's. 

We are trying to see if we can have 100 people send her a card.  That will be
something that she can read all winter long.

Violet Stoner Albright.
54 S. Washington St., Apt, 305
Tiffin, Ohio 44883


Joan Stoner

I hope everyone do this little favor for John's Mom on such a special occasion. 

Friday, July 5, 2013


Hello Sarj,
We had a great luncheon today at Fort Ball. Boy what a noisy bunch lol.
I always know when their having a good time. Their was 25 attending today.
They got a surprise !! I didn't tell them who was going to join us today but Keith Hepler from Lehigh Acres Fl, was in town and wanted to join us.So good to see you Keith.
Those attending was Herb and Paula Crum, Ellen Drake, Carol Engel,Jim Fey,Sara Huffman,Shirley Baker,Peg Brickner,Rudy Karle, Ethel Lee, Janet & Howard Beisner,Peggy Thallman,Judy & Gene Zimmer,Keith Hepler, Bill Dryfuse, Loretta Bargaheiser & friend Barbara Patrice, Fred & Jean Michaels, Dave Speas, Denise Ziegler, Claude Hohman, Vivian Blankenship.
Our next luncheon will be held at the same placeSept.6, 2013.
Thank you Sarj.


I recently got this email form Judy Stritzinger (Biller) 

Could you let our classmates know that my daughter, Sarah Johnson, passed away in Florida
on June 28.

Judy Stritzinger (Biller)

I have her email but don't want to publish here in case of spam people, so if you would like to send a note to her check the group email I am sending to you now and I will attach her email address.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013



This was the place at lunch time or to meet someone  before the game or just to meet up with other kiids.

In the front there was a big display window which sometimes was so crowded you could hardly get in the door. There was a large window seating area and as I remember 2 kissing booths.....ah I mean telephone booths, although these were used more for kissing then telephoning. 
Some call them soda joints but mostly they were meeting places. Maybe one kid could afford a burger   but more often kids bought french fries because you could share them. If you sat at the counter you would watch with amazemant at the lenght of the ash on the cooks cigarette. I'm sure that I ate more than one of his ashes. He always had a cig in his mouth. Seeing him without one he would be unrecognizable. Sort of like a mad who always wears a hat or glasses and then doesn't one day.

I would say that 1956 was probably it's hay day, it was always almost too crowded and then a place opened up beside the bowling alley and a lot of kids made this there new home away from home. It was nice and I could see times were achanging but the MAR-GE-NE would always have a place in my heart like my first love.
BECK'S was nice but it didn't have that warm fuzzy feeling that made the MAR-GE-NE so special. The MAR-GE-NE was the place to be seen and to see upper classmen and some of those hot senior girls. Maybe BECK'S had that feeling for others and maybe some it was DICK & FRAN'S but for me ...

MEET ME AT THE MAR-GE-NE and I'll share some fries and some lies with you. 

Kay Huss  class of 1956 had this to say about the MAR-GE-NE her son is a historian of Tiffin. 

I asked my son John Huss, who is a Tiffin historian, about the Mar-Ge-Ne and he said that it was named by ballot in the store. It was from part of the owners names as follows: Mar-was for Mary Newcomber and GE-was for Gerald her husband and the NE was for their last name being Newcomber. They lived above the Mar-Ge-Ne at 102 1/2 East Market. The address of the store was 102 East Market. It was so popular a hangout for the high school crowd at noon and after school , that it kept paying customers away.
Kay's coments to me on FACEBOOK 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Good morning class of 57,
July is coming soon, and that means it's time for our next luncheon.
It is to be held at Fort Ball Pizza Palace 91 N. Washington St  Tiffin,  Friday,  July 5, at 12:00 noon.
If you are in this area and are able to join us, please let me know byMonday, July 1.
Thank you,
Vivian Blankenship.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Dean Shappell sent me a clipping from the A/T newspaper about our classmate
                          Larry Bean

click on article to enlarge
 Our best to Larry and I'm so glad that he shared his story on Vietnam Veteran's Day for all to read. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Hello Sarj,
We had our 57 class mate luncheon today at Shell Shuckers.
Their was 25 present.  They really had a good time laughing and throwing peanuts.
Yes throwing peanuts at each other Judy Zimmer was the one that started it.
I brought up the subject about the money that was left in the 57 class cares project.
They thought it was a good idea to leave the balance the way it is , till needed for other  flowers for class mates, as needed.
Those present was as follows.
Shirley Baker., Bob & Barb Bauer,Janet & Howard Beisner, Norma & Hank Hiner,Jim Fey, Ethel Lee,& sister Deana Bly,Sara Huffman, Herb Crum, Claude Hohman,Peg Thallman, Rudy Karle, Judy & Gene Zimmer,Loretta Bargaheiser & friend Barbara Patrice,Vivian Blankenship &; daughter Val Hohman,Ellen Drake, Carol Engel, Peg Brickner, Marylou Hill.
Our next luncheon will be July 5 - 2013 at Fort Ball Pizza at 12:00 noon , on N. Washington Street.
Thank you Sarj.
Vivian Blankenship.
No pictures taken today.
Thanks Viv it is so nice to see such a great turn-out time after time. One of these days I'll have to get up there to be with you all.

Some one has to remind Judy Zimmer that the peanuts are there to eat.......if not I would hate to see if someone ordered pie.



Sunday, April 21, 2013

 Hello Class of 57,
Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 12:08 PM
It's that time again to think about our luncheon coming up Friday, May 3 , 12:00 noon at Shell Shuckers on St, Rt. 224 and St. Rt. 53. Tiffin.
If you are in this area and are able to attend, please let me know by Monday,April 29.

Thank You. Vivian Blankenship.  

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Good Memories

The times were very different back in the 40's and the early 50's as you all remember. People today wouldn't understand what a treat it was to go to "Jolly's" Drive-In on a fine summer's evening. For one thing it was very seldom we could afford to go out to eat and secondly it was a real surprise for us kids. We could even go in our PJ's if we wanted. 

Mom and Dad and my older sister Bea and my younger sister Hazel. It was so considerate that they even had Baby Root beer mug for my little sister. 
We all had our favorites and mine was and is the Chicken  sandwich. I think someone like the hot dogs and someone else always got the Sloppy Joe. I like the Sloppy too but I might make a bigger mess in the car with that sandwich then I did with the Chicken the chicken had more corn starch or something that held it together better.
Then that cold heavy mug of root beer. It took a lot of skill and strength to hold both the sandwich and root beer and not spill something or other. 
Of course there was always a big spill by someone and then my dad would say OK now I feel at home. He somehow knew it was coming so he just waited till it did and then said OK now we can eat. 
It's getting to be supper time now and I wish I could just drive down to Jolly's and get a gourmet meal like the old days. 
I am so happy that someone had the compassion to keep this "Original" running. I'm sure that many a family looks back with their own fond memories.  
Simple is good....very good indeed. 

Saturday, March 16, 2013



You all are so generous. We more than covered the expenses and now have a healthy balance as you can see. Talk it over at the next luncheon about what you want to do with this balance. In the mean while maybe someone is in need.  If so let me know by email or a call. 
Thank you all in total it was 12 families that gave, some were a combined check. Maybe now this can be a guide of how much will be needed in the future for flowers etc. 


Thursday, March 7, 2013

If you have not joined I would recommend that you do join and bookmark it so you can visit often. Joan Stoner is keeping it up to date, and there is a lot of good stuff there. This site and the official site are not in competition but just two different ways of keeping folks in touch.


I encourage you to join the TCA site and in the meanwhile I will talk to Joan and see how we can work together to promote more communications with classmates and how I can share items posted here on her site too.  


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Gary Richardson from a photo I took a few years back at one of the Class of 1958 get togethers.

Pat Huber wrote:
To All,

   I feel very sad to report that last week our former classmate, Gary
Richardson, passed away after fighting a very difficult fight with cancer.
When he was diagnosed last fall, and told that he wouldn't make it to
Christmas, he told me that he would "show them" that he would make it thru the
New Year, and he did.  I spoke with him 2 weeks ago, and he asked if his voice
still sounded strong.  I said yes it did, and he said that my Dad had taught
him that that a strong, firm voice could overcome a lot of deficiences.  He
weighed less than 120 lb. but he still had a strong voice.
Please say a prayer for his soul.  Per Gary's wish, he was cremated and I
believe his ashes thrown in the Pacific Ocean.

                                 Love you all,

Thanks you Pat for writing. I too was a friend with Gary and will miss him. I know that others from our time in High School will also remember him with fondness.
Sarj Bloom

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Update on our care fund. First of all Vivian Blankenship attended Bob Huffman's funeral as did some other classmates. Vivian reported that the family was pleased with the Peace Lily we had sent.

Bob Huffman was the third classmate to pass recently and we also sent a plant for James Brown and Lloyd Robinson.

The cost for all three came to #131.19 and I am glad to say that the donations (you know who you are) came to $165.00 leaving us with a balance of $33.81. Thank you everyone for your donations.
I could think of something funny to say right now, but I'll resist and just close with love to all.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

I received a thank you note from Lloyd Robinsons family. Thank you for your donations for the

Saturday, March 2, 2013


Hello Sarj,
Class of 57 held a luncheon today at Shell Shuckers, 22 attended

Luncheon March 1, 2013.

The ones attending today's luncheon was as follows.
Vivian Blankenship, Herb Crum, Ellen Drake, Carol Engle,Jim Fey, Claude Hohman,Shirley Baker, Rudy Karle,Ethel Lee,& sister Deana Bly,Joan Stoner,Peggy Thallman,Judy & Gene Zimmer,Bill Dryfuse, Norma & Hank Hiner, Loretta Bargeheiser, & friend Barbara Patrice, Fred & Jean Michaels.
Our next luncheon will be held again at Shell Shuckers May 3, 12:00 noon.
Pictures was taken by Vivian, Blankenship but one by Peggy Thallman.

 Vivian Blankenship.