Hello Sarj,
We had our 57 class mate luncheon today at Shell Shuckers.
Their was 25 present. They really had a good time laughing and throwing peanuts.
Yes throwing peanuts at each other Judy Zimmer was the one that started it.
I brought up the subject about the money that was left in the 57 class cares project.
They thought it was a good idea to leave the balance the way it is , till needed for other flowers for class mates, as needed.
Those present was as follows.
Shirley Baker., Bob & Barb Bauer,Janet & Howard Beisner, Norma & Hank Hiner,Jim Fey, Ethel Lee,& sister Deana Bly,Sara Huffman, Herb Crum, Claude Hohman,Peg Thallman, Rudy Karle, Judy & Gene Zimmer,Loretta Bargaheiser & friend Barbara Patrice,Vivian Blankenship &; daughter Val Hohman,Ellen Drake, Carol Engel, Peg Brickner, Marylou Hill.
Our next luncheon will be July 5 - 2013 at Fort Ball Pizza at 12:00 noon , on N. Washington Street.
Thank you Sarj.
Vivian Blankenship.
No pictures taken today.
Thanks Viv it is so nice to see such a great turn-out time after time. One of these days I'll have to get up there to be with you all.
Some one has to remind Judy Zimmer that the peanuts are there to eat.......if not I would hate to see if someone ordered pie.