Saturday, September 26, 2015


Hello Sarj, and Joan,
We had a good turn out Friday to see Sarj Bloom  and Jan his sweet  wife at the Asian Grill.
Everyone had a good time visiting with them, 19 was present.
Sarj said this might  be the last time he gets to Tiffin Town , as his eyes have  gotten much worse. So sorry to hear this.
I passed around a paper for every one to know where our next luncheon will be held
I found us a different place in town, it's going to be Friday  Nov.6, at 11:30.
The place is Madison Street Tavern, there is plenty of parking and good food too.
Those attending the luncheon were as follow:
Howard & Janet Beisner, Herb Crum,Peggy Thallman,Carol Engle, Jim Fey,Ethel Jordan,Bob & Barb Bauer,Peggy Brickner,Sarj & Jan Bloom,Loretta Bargaheiser,& friend Barb Patrice,Judy &Gene Zimmers, Rudy Karle, Vivian Blankenship & daughter Val Hohman
Thank you Sarj &Jan  for joining us.It was so good to see you.
Vivian ,

Well Jan and I finally made it to one of the luncheons.  We had a great time visiting with everyone. We stayed in Tiffin for a week and we miss it already.

Thursday, September 24, 2015



Just a few weeks ago we lost CHARLES SHERMAN and now we have learned that BARBARA has also passed.
Barb was a faithful class member that attended all our functions and was a quiet lady.  She was gentle yet very engaging. She will certainly be missed by all.

57CARES has been able to send a Peace Lily to both Barbara and Charles's families, because of the kind and generous donations from all of you. The plant is adorned with Blue and Gold ribbons.