Wednesday, January 14, 2015



Hello Sarj, and Joan,
Today was our luncheon held at T.J.'s Willies ,with 11" weather and snow. We should be called the snow bunnies !!!
Sixteen attended we had a great time talking and visiting. Carol ( Topper)Berugman, joined us for the first time, she plans on the next one too, she lives in Port Clinton.
Also Dave ans Susan Aller from Royal Oak Mich, joined us to day, so glad they all could join us.
Others that attended were as follow: Janet and Howard Beisner, Charles Mizen,Carol Engle, Jim Fey,Claude Hohman,Peggy Thallman,Herb and Paula Crum, Judy and Gene Zimmer, and My self Vivian Blankenship.
Our next luncheon will be March 6, 11:30 , 2015 at Asian Grill at the mall, every one enjoyed it before and want to go again.
Thank you, Vivian Blankenship

My best to all of you, you're looking fine and fit.        Sarj