Hello Sarj,
We had our class luncheon today Friday the 6 at
Shell Shuckers in spite of the 100 " weather.
We had 27 that attended . Those attending were as
Loretta ( Reiter) Bargaheiser, Bob and Barb
Bauer,Janet and Howard Beisner, Connie ( Collier) Bell, Vivian ( Baugher)
Blankenship, and daughter Val Hohman, Herb Crum, Ellen Drake, Jim Fey,
Claude and Mary Hohman,Bob ans Sara Huffman,Rudy Karle,Ethel ( Jordan) Lee, and
sister Deana Bly, Peggy ( Mc Coy) Brickner,John and Joan Stoner, Peggy ( Hunker)
Thallman, Judy ( VanCamp) and Gene Zimmer, Dave Speas.
Some discussions about our 55 class reunion coming
up August 10 , 11. 12. was held with Dave Speas.
Our next luncheon will be Sept 7, 2012 at 12;00
noon at Shell Shuckers.
Pictures was taken by Val Hohman.
Thank you Sarj.