Hi Sarj,
The 1957 class had their luncheon Friday, July 2, 2010. We met at 12Noon in the Trophy Room
of Carmies at Camden Falls.
There were 15 classmates in attendance were ( clockwise from left) Carol (Arbogast)Engle, Jim Fey, Hank Hiner, Norma (Shumaker) Hiner, Sara Huffman, Bob Huffman, Herb Crum,
John Stoner, Paula Crum, Vivian (Baugher) Blankenship, Peg (Hunker) Thallman, Loretta (Reiter)
Bargaheiser, Barbara Patrick (Loretta's friend), Rudy Karle, and Claude Hohman.
Everyone enjoyed both the food and the conversation. The next lunch is scheduled for Friday,
September 3, 2010 at 12Noon at Carmies.
John Stoner e-mail: jstoner@woh.rr.com
"Time's fun when you're having flies"...Kermit the frog
The 1957 class had their luncheon Friday, July 2, 2010. We met at 12Noon in the Trophy Room
of Carmies at Camden Falls.
There were 15 classmates in attendance were ( clockwise from left) Carol (Arbogast)Engle, Jim Fey, Hank Hiner, Norma (Shumaker) Hiner, Sara Huffman, Bob Huffman, Herb Crum,
John Stoner, Paula Crum, Vivian (Baugher) Blankenship, Peg (Hunker) Thallman, Loretta (Reiter)
Bargaheiser, Barbara Patrick (Loretta's friend), Rudy Karle, and Claude Hohman.
Everyone enjoyed both the food and the conversation. The next lunch is scheduled for Friday,
September 3, 2010 at 12Noon at Carmies.
"Time's fun when you're having flies"...Kermit the frog