Now I don't happen to believe in this kind of stuff....well almost don't believe. This YOUTUBE clip has some great shots of out beloved movie house.
Maybe you can remember the Fright Nights we use to have there. I sure remember them and then the walk home when every shadow became a monster. Did you ever notice how a No Parking signs shadow looks like Frankenstien? Remember now he had a square head.
The funniest thing I remember from the show (now it's funny, but not then) was when I got real scared I climbed under the seat and just then the guy on stage said " No use climbing under your seat there are snakes on the floor" .
Anyway we had good times in this place. My first date was there. I'm sure you all have stories to tell also.
I thought I would include a link to the AT article from today about the RITZ too in case you didn't see it. '